I Think Chris Farley was on my flight today

Not really – he didn’t really look like him, but he reminded me of the motivational speaker character Chris played on SNL.

Doofy.  Big.  Super shiny gel that gave his hair that ‘just stepped out of an oil slick’ look.  Expand-o-matic running pants + a sweater that was one size too small to show off his ‘guns’ and his ‘belly’.  "Whoa dude – with arms like those, I’m surprised they let you thru Security."  His tennis shoes had some bizarre kind of heels on them – I think they may have been some sort of mini nuclear reactor since they were HUGE and ORANGE.  Awesome.

Anyhow, he spent the whole flight reading "Time Management Techniques for Sales Professionals".  This paper was friggin huge – I would kill to read some of the techniques in here – I’m sure they are priceless.  I’m sure one of them probably isn’t ‘spend every waking hour in the gym’. Birthday hint…

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